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Non - Vegetarian

Sr.No. Nutrients Diet Plans
1 Early Morning
  • Jeera Ajwain and Lemon water (lukewarm)
2 Breakfast
  • 2-3 Boiled Eggs with Egg Yolk
  • 1 Slice of multigrain bread
  • 1 bowl of salad (lettuce onions cucumber tomatoes) No sauces
3 Mid Meal
  • Salted Lassi OR Coconut Water
  • 1 vegetable salad of choice (cucumber tomatoes capsicum carrot) No sauces
4 Lunch
  • 2-3 Eggs with Egg yolk (either omelet or scrambled or of choice) OR 200gm chicken (roasted/barbeque/salad)
  • 1 Bowl Curd (no salt no sweet)
5 Mid Meal
  • Green Tea/lemon water
  • 5-7 RAW popcorns (unflavoured or non salted)
6 Dinner
  • 2-3 Eggs with Egg yolk (either omelet or scrambled or of choice) OR 200gm chicken (roasted/barbeque/salad)
  • Bowl of salad No sauces



Sr.No. Nutrients Diet Plans
1 Early Morning
  • Jeera Ajwain and Lemon water (lukewarm)
2 Breakfast
  • Bowl of Black Channa Boiled
  • 1 bowl of salad (lettuce onions cucumber tomatoes) No sauces
3 Mid Meal
  • Salted Lassi OR Coconut Water
  • 1 vegetable salad of choice (cucumber tomatoes capsicum carrot) No sauces
4 Lunch
  • Black Channa cooked with Brown rice
5 Mid Meal
  • Green Tea/lemon water
  • 5-7 RAW popcorns (unflavoured or non salted)
6 Dinner
  • Bowl of Black channa chat with minimal dressings
  • 1 bowl of salad (lettuce onions cucumber tomatoes) No sauces


  • The time frame from the time you wake up until last meal is 10hours.
  • Eat upto 12 egg white OR 300gm Chicken OR 300gm Black chickpeas
  • Consume as many glasses of lukewarm lemon water, or jeera water but lassi only once
  • Eat salad veggies whenever hungry until last meal
  • Do not add Egg yolks/chickpeas or any other vegetable than mentioned
  • Do not eat breads or chapati during any course of meal
  • Do not add sugar or milk products
  • Do not eat any fruit or add any binge eating